Our Work

Colorado River Resilience Website and Project Map

Created to share stories about Colorado River Resilience, this dynamic website hosts a variety of continually updated materials, including an interactive map, PDF facts sheets, published news stories, featured videos, and in-depth case studies of current and past resilience projects across the Colorado River Basin.
Interactive Web Tools
Infographic Design
Robust Data Engineering

Colorado River Resilience Project Database

Virga Labs developed a comprehensive application that empowers stakeholders within the Colorado Basin to track and manage projects to improve the region's resilience. The application includes a robust database that tracks critical information such as project status, funding sources, and detailed impact metrics.
Interactive Web Tools
Robust Data Engineering


Democratizing access to the Colorado River Simulation System model, RiverViz is a collection of dashboards that visualize potential future conditions in the Colorado River Basin. This free tool allows users with little to no technical skills to evaluate projected reservoir conditions, energy generation potential at the major hydropower facilities, and water supply availability across various future scenarios.
Interactive Web Tools
Robust Data Engineering
Decision Science

Hydrologic Storylines

Climate change means water managers need to be able to consider unprecedented uncertainty and the potential for extreme climate conditions. Using machine learning algorithms, Virga Labs developed hydrology ensembles for use in the Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) model.
Robust Data Engineering
Decision Science
Technical Reports

Exploration of Methods and Tools to Enhance Stakeholder Engagement in the Colorado River

This whitepaper details the process and results of Virga Labs’ (then Martin & McCoy) research and engagement with the Bureau of Reclamation on experimental design and testing of new stakeholder engagement strategies. Efforts included research and evaluation of potential online technologies, design of an interactive facilitated stakeholder dialogue, development of a tailored commenting form that was integrated with back-end analysis tools, and development and implementation of an evaluation plan.
Interactive Web Tools
Technical Reports

Colorado River Conversations Project

Virga Labs (then Martin & McCoy) partnered with the University of Arizona to host a series of scenario planning workshops on the intersection of extreme climate, economic, and social events that could significantly shift future conditions in the Colorado River Basin. To facilitate a robust dialogue at the workshops, we designed a series of written and illustrated materials and facilitated a sequenced conversation about the feasibility, impacts, and solutions of eight custom-crafted, research-driven future scenarios.
Decision Science
Infographic Design
Technical Reports


Post-2026 Colorado River Operations Web Tool: A Case Study in the Application of Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty

(Jul 2024). Martin, Season, Amelia Pruiett, Natalie Daniels, Adam Price. The Water Report #245.
Technical Reports

A Survey of the Bureau of Reclamation’s Decree Accounting Reports in the Lower Colorado River Basin

(Dec 2022) McCoy, Amy L., Jennifer Pitt, J. Keaton Wilson, Season Martin, and Julia Morton. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 149. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001626.
Technical Reports

The Press and Pulse of Climate Change: Extreme Events in the Colorado River Basin

(Jun 2022). McCoy, A. L., Jacobs, K. L., Vano, J. A., Wilson, J. K., Martin, S., Pendergrass, A. G., & Cifelli, R. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58(6), 1076-1097.
Technical Reports

Water & Climate Resilience: Ten Strategies for Climate Resilience in the Colorado River Basin

(Mar 2021). McCoy, Amy, Season Martin, Mary Kelly, Jennifer Diffley, and Kelly Kennedy. The Water Report #205.
Technical Reports

Scenario Planning: Embracing the Potential for Extreme Events in the Colorado River Basin

(Mar 2021). Gerlak, Andrea K., Katharine L. Jacobs, Amy L. McCoy, Season Martin, Mariana Rivera-Torres, Anna M. Murveit, Amanda J. Leinberger, and Timothy Thomure. Climatic Change 165, 27. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-021-03013-3
Technical Reports

Reimagining the Colorado River by Exploring Extreme Events

(Nov 2020). Jacobs, Katharine. L., Amy McCoy, Season Martin, Andrea K. Gerlak. Eos, 101. DOI: 10.1029/2020EO151369.
Technical Reports

Water Transactions for Streamflow Restoration, Water Supply Reliability, and Rural Economic Vitality in the Western United States

(Feb 2018). Kendy, Eloise, Bruce Aylward, Laura S. Ziemer, Brian D. Richter, Bonnie G. Colby, Theodore E. Grantham, Leslie Sanchez, Will B. Dicharry, Emily M. Powell, Season Martin, Peter W. Culp, Leon F. Szeptycki, Carrie V. Kappel. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 54(2): 487–504. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12619.
Technical Reports
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